If you all think your arrangers ARE your 'babies', how come you are all so eager to discard them as soon as something new comes out? Most of you have a list as long as your arm of 'discarded' keyboards and arrangers. Perhaps you are not as attached to your current arranger as you think you are. If they ARE your babies, you may not be very good parents!

Don't get me wrong, I LIKE my tools... I just don't forget that's what they are. They are the pen, in the hand of a writer, they are the brush in the hands of a painter. But if they make a better pen, or a better brush, you use it.

Defend your writing, defend your painting, defend your music. Don't worship the tool you use to create it...

Strangely, I think I am one of the LEAST keyboard hopping guys on this forum! I had my last arranger (a G1000) for eight years before getting my G70 over two years ago. Before that, I had a G800 for three years (only changed because the ZIP was way more practical than floppies), and before that, an RA90 back to 1993 (I think!).

But I am the LAST person to claim they are 'perfect' or 'the best'. There are MANY things from Yamaha, Korg and Ketron I wish my G70 had. There are many things from my G70 I wish a T2 had... etc., etc..

I just wish that we would spend more time trying to figure out how to make them better (and apply the pressure to the manufacturers to get what we want), rather than argue and bicker about which one already IS 'the best'....
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!