Diki i use mega voices all the time, the strumming guitars are awesome and they are so easy to use.

i am positive you would be able to record the midi data from a mega voice channel into a G70 Style/Song channel/track and then use the G70's MIDI out to trigger off a mega voice patch on a Yamaha module whether it be a tyros/psr or Motif Rack.

as for configuration, of coarse at first it is probably going to be a headache just like most things but once its setup you wont have to touch it again...

the keyboard player in my brother's band uses a Kurzwell Stage Piano with a Korg Sound module and it works perfectly.

I would suggest trial out this setup using a Motif ES rack unit...

i can send you a track of Mega Voice midi data to record into your G70. u will then need to see if you can go to a local dealer and ask them if they will let u plug in one of their ES racks into your G70 to test this. i am sure they will let you do this.

good luck

Roland G70 / Roland BK9 / Roland GW8-L / Yamaha Motif XS / Technics KN6500