Or, if Fran had his way, we would all play what HE wants

Sorry, Fran, but, as I explained earlier, I am NOT interested in guitars you PLAY, whether it is Guitar Mode or straight playing. I need a good sounding guitar strum and picking patterns in arranger mode, as accompaniment to what I am playing.
As such, Guitar Mode is useless (it can't be driven from the arranger section), and your experiences with Mega voices (if you tried to PLAY them) may well lead you to believe they are not good. But the way the arranger adds in all the extra performance noises, mutes, etc., push it a LONG way past Roland's acoustic guitars.
PLEASE don't forget, I've had my G70 a LOT longer than you. If there were any picking and strumming in there that beat the Yamaha's, I'd have found it by now

OTOH, the T2 and S900 are packed with styles that have guitar parts sound very realistic. Remember, I play with an acoustic guitarist every day. I KNOW what they are supposed to sound like. And the Roland, good though they are, are not as good as the Yamaha's.
BUT... the Yamaha's guitars are not enough to make me want to jump ship, just add them, But it all seems a little moot, as Roland don't allow more than one non-transposing track.
I've been using the G70 as my SOLE gigging keyboard for a lot longer than you, Fran, and use it in a MUCH wider range of applications, in a much wider choice of modes (arranger, SMF, LH Bass with arr drums, straight keyboard with full band, straight keyboard solo, etc., etc.), so PERHAPS you can appreciate that someone else may have a different set of priorities than you. After all, if I wanted to sound JUST like you, I wouldn't need anything better. In fact, I could use MP3s of my old gear and a one handed strap-on...

But I don't.....