Can someone explain to me why so many people here are defending Roland as a manufacturer of a substandard product. Caomparing a �2000 instrument like it was a pair of shoes that needs to be broken in ? I just dont understand this kind of loyalty. If i bought a car and i couldnt drive it anywhere because the the engine kept squeeling i would complain ! I would not be popping the hood and try to fix it myself !! For Goodness sake! Why should you not expect a musical instrument to sound ࡧreat out of the box? I have never bought a musical instrument that did not sound good when i played it in the shop. Never! And if it sounded bad when i got it home guess where i am taking it the following morning ? The Demos of the G70 on the net are incredibly impressive and not just because of the way it is being played so why are you content to fiddle and mess about with it after purchase to get it to sound great?. If you bought it and it sounded good to you at the time and subsequently then i have no quarrel with anyone. But dont tell me that i am being childish expecting a top flight arranger keyboard to sound light a top flight aranger keyboard at top flight arranger keyboard money straight out of the box!! This is simply madness and a license for manufacturers to sell substandard products.