Ok, we can accept that it's just for fun and demonstration I think. Not saying any one board is better than another.. Remember these are recordings from a midifile and as such only the GM voices will play from each of the synths / arrangers I used anyway.

I recorded them exactly as they played from each module ( all on one track ). I did do some very basic mastering ( compression, normalization and slight eq ) to each afterwards, using the exact same settings for each file.

So... here are my recordings from each of the following:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MHZLMHQO SGM180 ( software soundfont )
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X4OQHUYH MZ2000
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RNDBY1S1 PA80
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1I4SY6AX Motif ES

Personally, my favorites in order of preference are: ( I rated them 2 ways )

I bet I get some that disagree.. Which is why we say sound is subjective in the first place.

For the best in the lead voices ( Guitars and Saxes ) :

1- SGM180
2- MZ2000
3- PA80
4- Motif ES

For overall instrument sound quality and cohesive mix:

1. PA80
2. SGM180
3. MZ2000
4. Motif ES

I did not change any of the voices. If I had, I'm sure the ES would have moved up to or near the top in both categories.


[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 05-15-2006).]