trident & Fran as you know I have NI's Bandstand. I think it sounds fairly good and NI plans to update it this year some time to deal with some of the issues you have identified, such as loading times, etc. In addition, I am hoping they will allow the user to load wavetables such as SGM180 or others. I would like to have it designed so that I can change or replace any instrument I want.
With respect to the Bandstand Honky tonk mp3 demo I think there may be some issues with respect to the midi file, your software and your equipment, e.g., hanging notes, no drums, etc. If this were properly setup you would find Bandstand a fairly good software synth for auto accompaniment only. It should be a lot better once NI updates it and fixes some of the bugs.
Also when you use M. Bedesem's MidiPlayer you can quickly modify midi or style files to suit your particular wavetable. This includes changing your drum kits (midi note numbers).
[This message has been edited by Frank L. Rosenthal (edited 05-18-2006).]