Your welcome Fran. I simply used Sonitus fx compressor and equalizer, along with a couple of native effects inside of Cool Edit pro, including normalizing each track to approx - 0.1 db. I did a quick generic setup, not paying particular attention to the differences in each file.

This was all in good fun of course, yet it does kinda remind me of several things.

One.. other than being a very decent controller, my Motif Es is no longer relevant to my setup. It's awful at playback of midifiles, equally as bad as the sound module for One man Band, and even though it has very good lead sounds overall, there isn't a single voice group in it that can give me better sounds than one of my software samplers or modules can. Even the organs, which are very good, still can't compare to B4, and the Electric pianos are also very good, but not as good as Plugsounds kb module or Eve. Forgetting what the "big guns" like FLR are using, Colossus and the like.. I have nothing that even compares to that...

Two: Roland is very deserving of the praise I've seen heaped upon them when it comes to midifile playback inside of their hardware machines.

Three: I think the SGM180 is nearly as good as anything I've heard for SMF playback, and it cost nearly $2000 USd less than my ES did. In a pinch the MZ does a decent job as well.

Four: I actually do like the Tyros, and am considering replacing my ES with one. I'd also at least consider replacing my PA80 with a G1000, but either way I'm still ok with the PA80 and I still prefer it's styles. I just don't like many of it's lead voices, except for the organs, harmonicas, strings, and of course the synths, as the I think they are among the best and fattest rompler synth sounds I've heard to date. I'm not considering any more PSR's at this point however, even though many may tell me I'm wrong, but I won't ever put up with the slushy keys again.


[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 05-15-2006).]