LOL... Yep.. I surely resemble that remark Diki.. that definitely would be me ... too "lazy" to tweak all of the ( however many hundreds or even thousands ) midifiles I have.. for each Kb and soft setup that I have. This reply made me chuckle a bit if nothing else..

It probably takes me 10 minutes easily to fix one to sound "just right" on the Motif ES, by the time I tweak the mixer, voice and DSP settings, and decide which of the eight channels should get DSP fx at all..

Fortunately, I have an alternative that works just fine for me called SGM180. Notwithstanding that it's a freeware soundfont, it also sounds pretty right to me each and every time.

Participating in this discussion was educational for me in that it helped reiterate to me what I had already suspected. That SGM180 is currently among the best options I have, and since I don't really have the luxury of time to tweak each file I possess, with the spare time I do have, I'm instead trying to tweak SGM180 itself so that once I'm done I'm done.. I won't have to tweak every new midifile I get... at least that's the theory behind it.

Why ? I have a thing called a life, and like so many others in this world, mine is more than a bit busy. Trying to keep up with it and do it just a little more than half @$$ed right is what's most important to me... and while I'm somewhat passionate with this music stuff and I find it fun to debate over a little, it sure as heck ain't life and death.


[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 05-17-2006).]