
The attempts to develop a PC-based keyboard where not serious enough yet. Any hobbyist could build one. But it is something else to get it in the shops for the right price. You need a firm that already has there products in all PC and audio shops.

A Yamaha YMF754 XG chip would do nicely in an entry level model. I doubt manufacturers of soundcards and mainboards pay more than $5 for that chip. If you want better quality sound you will have to pay extra.

As for the software, I would sell a licence for OMB for one dollar for each sold machine. If they sell a million as I predicted, I'll still be a millionaire.

The keys would add about $100. Just 61 simple touch sensitive keys. Prices for masterkeyboards are extreme because of the low volumes that they are sold in. You can't compare the prices of those.

Your grandpa was a wise man. Indeed we just will have to wait for a few years.
