
I agree with in the fact that big companies will recycle their activities and concept more chips and softs.

But I think that the real question is: until where can one go in sound quality.

For example: which is the difference between an mp3 file and a wav file?
The wav is more complete than the mp3 in term of analysis of the sound (physical concept).
But, the human ear (human concept) is not enough powerful to hear the difference so that in general it is not possible to differentiate a mp3 from a wav.

The same thing can be applied to softwares.

I think that a certain moment technology will make it possible to have sounds of a realism such as it will be almost impossible to differentiate them from the original sounds (certain keyboard have already impressive sounds).

My fear is: which motivation will have then the companies to create new products (since in any event nobody would hear difference)?
And who will buy them if one has already exceptional sounds?

The future will say it to us