Hi All!
The future is here:the Wersi OAS instruments are here for some years now and every year the whole range is updated to new standards.
I have been playing live my Abacus for more than 2000 hours as a professional musician enteraining a variety of audiences from around the world and yes! there have been some 'embarassing' minutes waiting my keyboard to restart BUT it was mainly power failure or user (me!) error. I have now an APC surge filter/UPS with me and I am more carefull not to try untested converted styles in front of an audience.
I carry only one device which includes the vocal harmoniser and the programmable mixer -so I have actually saved mixer settings for different venues I play during the week - and setup time from my car to 'ready to start playing' is 10'-15'.
Please note that the sound generation and manipulation in the Wersi OAS is done by 12 32bit SHARC DSPs and the output D/A is 24bit.The total sample pool is 100s of Mbytes stored on the Hard Disk and SoftSynths can be used also live.The operation is a breeze :color touch screen,200 Advanced Total Presets,programmable buttons & sliders which are controlled by special controllers and not by the Windows PC.So the system is much more than a PC with a keyboard and a sound card.
By the way:The latest specs are Pentium 4 2Ghz,512MB DDR,40-80GB Hard disk and OAS version 5.0. Take a look at http://www.organfax.co.uk/instruments/wersi/gigapiano-gp1000.html or http://www.organfax.co.uk/instruments/wersi/abacus.html