
Sure it's doable, and probably already done. But putting a new soundcard or CD burner in my PC is about the limit that I'll explore on the hardware front. I just wait until it is in the shops.


The new sequencer is already in the works. I'll spend another month testing it and making help functions. This must be the final version, there will not be a major release every 3 months after that.

If you want to use Yamaha styles I would advice to add an XG device. You get reasonable results in GM mode in OMB, but it will be better with an XG device even a very cheap one. I did some research on available soundcards that have an XG chip in it. Read it at . You can use your other gear to record the melody. Use the MIDI-Mapper to define different MIDI-ports as decribed in the helpfile.


[This message has been edited by Jos Maas (edited 09-04-2003).]