Cool module, but come on man..., over $2000 for a freakin sound module! I like Ketron, but geez are they overpriced. Plus the built in HD dosen't justify a higher price anymore considering how cheap HD's are now. Looking at the Ketron US page you'll see the the optional HD is $350, and another $180 for the vocalizer, and expanded pattern memory will run you another $108--YIKES!! **Even the little SD-2 costs over $300--I think closer to $400**

I think part of Ketron's problem isn't just that they're not too well known here, but they've outpriced themselves for the US market. Even the SD-5 costs over $2,000! I mean no dis-respect to you, but high end arrangers are already grossly overpriced when compared to other pro keyboards.

I love seeing dedicated synth junkies buying good arrangers, but it's very hard to justify the price difference of (I'll use Yamaha for example), a $3,500 Tyros 2, and a Motif XS6 that costs over $1,000 less. People can justify it by saying "oh consider the styles", but I say poo doo on that because what makes the tools of a pro arranger more important than the tools of a pro synth player?

**Sorry to hi-jack your thread, but man when is someone going to say "enough is enough" with these crazy prices on pro arrangers, and sound modules**

There's a reason a lot of store don't carry high end arrangers..., the cost of the unit often results in the potential buyer leaving with a sour taste. When I was at Guitar Center not too long ago, I was listening to a guy playing with the Tyros II. Some how he didn't see that $3,500 price tag in BIG RED numbers in front of him. He loved the Tyros sounds, but when he saw the price **no joke** I watched a mother cover her childs ears because of his response to it....

[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 08-08-2007).]
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.