So we know keyboard manufacturers like Yamaha,Korg & Roland hire people to record or create styles for their product (G70-PA-800_Tyros etc)..
But all the styles are created with midi...and as long as you use midi, you'll have limitations.Apegiations are midi based.

However,if your using audio tracks to create your styles, basically samples that respond to a midi map, in real time, than you could use samples from any sample library in the world. Copy the samples into the HD... call up that sample and play back in real-time.. You would have endless samples to choose from.
Ketron used audio with the SD1, the "live drums" are samples drum tracks of audio being streamlined with styles,all style parts are midi, except for drums. It's easy to do the drums, because they do not need to change key or respond to chord changes...

So I think Ketron's goal with the AUDYA,is the ability for audio to be incorporated with the styles, than have those audio tracks respond to midi changes (chord progressions) in real time.

Interesting to see donny's comment about navigation... Now what do you think of navigation my friend ?