Yes, Donny and chas, but remember, workstations are not being bought by players who can't PLAY (they buy grooveboxes, software and MPCs, etc.).

As bad as we might think things are, there IS a younger generation of keyboard players out there, and they ARE buying WSs in FAR greater numbers than we are buying arrangers!

And chas, just to encourage you... most of the young keyboard players I have seen recently are playing organs and old Wurlis and Rhodes (or Nord clones) as well as WSs. The 'jam band' circuit is doing very well, and has it's roots in older bands like the Funky Meters, Grateful Dead and the like, with a heavy emphasis on Hammond sounds.

Now, you probably don't go out and seek these kinds of bands to listen to (most of us beat a quick retreat from any club without a single customer over 30!), but they ARE there... Google 'Galactic' band from N.O. to get a taste...

And, just like us in our younger days, they are into playing with real rhythm sections, etc.. In all fairness, we with our arrangers are FAR more 'button pushers' than they are!

Don't give up on them yet....
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!