o.K. I know I said I was going to not post in this thread but too many erroneous ideas have been going around.

I am amazed that the Yamaha apologist who are saying that every thing that Yamaha does is perfect in every thing but do not want to admit that the 9000 pro was a failure and Yamaha had a part to play in its failure.

Obviously, Yamaha saw a need for a 76 key arranger. But it was not done well and for reasons other than it being 76 keys it was not doing well in sales and Yamaha abandon it.

I suspect that since it had some workstation features and since it had expansion slots like the workstation, divisional rivalry probably stared Yamaha in abandoning the 9000 pro.

P.s A business decision that is made only for the good of the company and not what the consumers/market want (as the Yamaha apologist state is the reason for Yamaha not making a 76 key arranger) is not a right or good decision. It is just a tactical one.

As this discussion has shown, a 76 key arranger would not hurt Yamaha it would only help them to dominate the arranger market even more. But for strategic purposes, Yamaha chooses not to make one at this time. Because as everyone knows Yamaha would do just as well and even better with a 76 key arranger since number of keys is not the reason people buy the Yamaha arranger.