
Tyros 2 might not have "Pro" in the name, but sure is considered Pro keyboard in the market I'm talking about, and would be sold at same volume even with 76-keys keybed.


Prices in Europe are generally 1.5 times higher then USA prices (prices in EUR are equal or higher to prices in USD without conversion), and prices in Croatia are at least 30-50% higher then European, because of low sales volume, small number of sellers, and high commissions.

Importing from USA is not an option because of ridiculously high transport rates, and importing from Europe is not profitable because it rises the price for at least 30% (custom and tax fees) and you don't get a warranty.

We are just paying the price of (still) not being in EU. ;-)

Yamaha S-900 is probably "the most bang for a buck", and at least here, the biggest rival to Tyros 2 (and Korg Pa-800).

As for the "inter-divisional competition" Yamaha is the first one to introduce half-synth - half-arranger keyboard (MM6, and MM8 recently), and even before they had PSR-403 arranger-keyboard with some synth-like features.

Also, the newest Motif line (XS) have some of arranger-keyboard features (bunch of chord-sensitive arrpegios).