An astounding question...

Why would you want to buy several different keyboards to do several different things, if ONE keyboard could do it all?

Oh, that's right... YOU'VE got money to throw away!

You see, there are SOME people who like to use their arrangers for more than simple LH chords, RH melody. I know, you may find this hard to believe, but it's true! For instance, on just about every arranger out there, there is an SMF player. Now, why on earth would that be there, if you were only supposed to play in arranger mode, LH chords, RH solo melody?

And, once you use SMF's, well, look! Your left hand just got freed up! Maybe now you might consider playing a real piano part, or Rhodes. You know, those pesky keyboards with more than 61 notes (damn them!). Hold on a second... you CAN play a real piano part? Well, what about that Piano Mode on your arranger, the one that lets you play just like a pianist, and it STILL follows your input well...? Not much point in that if you haven't got a keyboard big enough to play a real piano part on in the first place!

What about the few of us that occasionally (or more than occasionally!) like to play with REAL musicians? You know, you might like to play a piano part with those guys... What's that you say? I ought to go and buy another instrument altogether for those occasions? Should I also buy a B3 and a clavinet and an Oberheim and a stack of keyboards ten feet tall for that as well?

Modern TOTL arrangers have ALL the sounds you could ever want, to cover every kind of musical need you could ever want (short of a techno/trance hardcore gig) from playing simple LH chords, RH melody, all the way up to first call studio work and everything in between. BUT.... if it is tied to a keyboard that severely restricts what and HOW you play by providing insufficient notes to play full piano and E. Piano parts, and restricting the available range for splits, it is arbitrarily limiting you for no other reason that saving costs with a cheap, short keyboard.

The thing you have to do is look past your own, extremely limited requirements, and understand that there are many, many players who appreciate the advantages of an arranger, but would like to be able to play other styles, other modes AS WELL. And we SURE don't feel like having to go out and buy multiple keyboards, when a 76 on the one we already HAVE would do the job just as good, if not better than a WS....
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!