LOL.... what fevered imaginations you all have..

Unless I got one for free, I would NEVER get an MS. You see, for all your praising of the MS's technical merits (which I agree with, BTW) no-one has managed to convert that into a demo that even rivals my G70, yet alone a T3 or OS2 PA2Xpro. I take that as a VERY telling indicator. All the praise for the OS, and none for any MUSIC made by it.

For all my interest in things technical, they are all secondary to making music. I don't care if it based on Linux, or Vista, or an Atari Falcon I only care about what it can do MUSICALLY.

Now, perhaps you guys are just more forgiving than me, but if I buy an arranger, I want an arranger. I don't want a blank sheet of paper to make it anything I want. And, from being here for quite a while, I think that the vast majority of arranger players think exactly the same. Just how many T3's would be sold if you had to go out and make the styles yourself? How many PA2Xpro would be sold if the onboard voices were VERY humdrum, and you had to purchase a large selection of VSTi's to compensate (and THEN spend months completely re-voicing all the styles to use the VSTi's)?

You see, every last person praising the MS on this thread has not made ONE good piece of music on it... Dom (IMO) hasn't posted ONE good piece of music on his website. I heard OPNE good piece of klezmer music a while back, that turned out to be an SMF, done on an MS. I don't need a VSTi player that plays SMF's. A laptop can do that adequately. If this thing is SO advanced, SO cutting edge, SO amazing....


The thing has been out for what, over two years? I don't know about you, but give me a great arranger, I can make something decent in TWO MINUTES What could the holdup be, other than you CAN'T make great music on it? Is there some kind of NDA to stop you from posting..? Bull!

If ALL the current MS owners can't post something decent on the web, something that is in style mode, what on earth gives any of you the impression that, in YOUR hands, things would be any different..? We've got actual MS owners on this site. NOT ONE of them has ever posted anything good. But they still talk, and talk, and talk. I'm sick of it. STFU and PLAY me some good music, or don't waste your breath.

I am NOT singling out MS for this treatment. I assure you that, were Roland completely incapable of making a decent demo for the G70, and NONE of it's owners willing to post a SINGLE piece of music done on it, I would have been EXTREMELY leery of it. If all the T3 demos sucked, and not ONE owner was capable of posting something decent, I am convinced none of you would be so gung-ho about it.

And the crazy thing is other than a couple of members here that actually have MS's (but mysteriously NEVER post a single thing done on them), all of you are as completely in the dark as me. You haven't seen one, you haven't played one, you haven't listened to the styles. You don't know what the keybed feels like, you don't know how easy or not it is to use. BUT.....

You all ASSUME it's going to be great! Me I ASSUME it's going to be terrible! How are we ANY different?

I'll tell you... I've heard PLENTY of proof of my assumptions, and you haven't heard ANY proof of yours.. Even those that DO own one. Where's your great music..?

Where... Where... where...?

Plenty of great Tyros demos. Plenty of Korg stuff that sounds great. Even quite a bit of Roland stuff that sounds decent Where is the MS section? That's right... NOWHERE!

It's a great thing to be impressed by specs. But it doesn't translate to whether it's a good ARRANGER or not. If my G70 had 24 bit, 96kHz D/A converters, it would not be the slightest bit better as an arranger. The LAST thing in the world I would ever ask for are better converters. Better styles, yes... better sounds... yes... a better OS, yes... Those same things are what I would need to HEAR on the MS before it held the slightest interest for me.

And the rest of you? If you don't already use 100% user made styles, if you don't already use 100% user created sounds, if you don't already use computer sequencers and computer based VSTi production, if you aren't already the most technical member here at SZ, this is just a pipe dream (and we know what kind of pipe!). It all sounds good on PAPER. Me, I hold paper up to my ears, the only thing I hear is rustling.

When you listen to everything posted so far, does it honestly impress you? If so, go for it! But until it impresses ME, nothing you guys say can change my opinion of the MS. MUSIC is what impresses me. I can't say whether I will be getting an Audya or not. But at least the demos have not convinced me NOT to. Apparently, SOMEBODY at Audya can get it to sound great! Why does Dom have so much trouble? Why do ALL the current owners of the MS have so much trouble..?

Before you attack me, come up with an answer for THAT one.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!