Originally posted by Ketron_AJ: ... whew ... after a 2hr delay in TX (due to snow in Philly), I can safely say I'm back home now. I need to hit the sheets, but wanted to check out the forums first ... see if I had any questions.
Dikki - For the AUDIO parts/Loops (even when soloed as we did today (Monday) with the UNPLUGGED Styles to show of just how the audio ALONE sounded), ALL chord parts have been taken into consideration (hence some of the delay in the release) - meaning when you play (e.g an A chord), all extentions/variations of the A chord - (dim, 9th, Maj, Min, Min7th, AUG ... etc) are recognized by the AUDIO and MIDI parts of AUDYA. Because we streem the Audio directly from the HD, memory wasn't an issue here.
I hope this answers your question (at leat this one about chord recognition). If not, please let me know (with examples) and I will respond with "Yes/No" if a chord type you list is not currently recognized.
Thanks ... going to bed now.
Unless I am missing something here AJ answered the question directly. He started his answer talking about the audio part and not the midi. He also stated that the audio loops can play extentions. "when you play (e.g an A chord), all extentions/variations of the A chord - (dim, 9th, Maj, Min, Min7th, AUG ... etc) are recognized by the AUDIO and MIDI". So am I reading it wrong?