A few questions...
Individual outs on the drums... This is for the MIDI drums and not for the audio loops, isn't it? I can't see a way to route these separately when a hi-hat and kick occur simultaneously (as they do most of the time).
Is there any articulation control (SA type ability) on these 'Best Natural Sounds'? Are they sampled with a different sample for each note? If there are no loops, one wouldn't want them dropping out at different times due to a sped up or slowed down sample, would one?
Any chance of a Ketron demo that soloed the loop AND MIDI guitar parts at the same time? One audio track would defuse (maybe!) much of the speculation about this feature. Sure, bury this in a busy mix, you might not hear it. But many songs go great with JUST an acoustic guitar part, even if not for the entire song. How well this workaround works is of primary importance to me, and maybe many more. Let's just HEAR IT, please...
And sorry, but please... one final definitive statement about whether the guitar loops WILL have more than maj/min and the occasional 7th as basic chord types actually recorded (not added to, replaced or anything else) will help squash the speculation and rampant misinformation spread by many Ketron 'defenders' that have MUCH less knowledge than you...
The Intelligent Arranger feature... I'm still not quite sure I 'get' this. Do you REALLY mean the FIRST couple of measures it learns what you are doing? Because I fail to see how ANY redundancy occurs THAT early in a song... How big is this 'learn' window? It sounds a great feature, if extended beyond what you've said.
Key tunes... This sounds kind of like you can do an RPS type thing with loops. Do they stay in sync with each other? Can you cue one up so it starts at the end of the first? This sounds promising.
I'm sorry for all the questions, but you have to understand that a product with as little dealership in the US as Ketron has is unlikely to be seen or played by the majority of musicians here. If we HAVE to see it to believe it, sadly, few of us are going to be able to believe it

You'd be amazed at how much we CAN tell from a decently produced video! Please, PLEASE don't try that Wersi 'You've GOT to sit at one before you can judge anything at all' nonsense on us. That dog, as they say over here, don't hunt

Your answers to our questions, and a LOT of video up at the site is going to make believers out of us, I hope. I haven't given up on this thing, and only ever wanted straightforward answers to straightforward questions. The hype and pre-release promo left a LOT of unanswered questions. If THIS post had come out six months ago, little of what has been said would have ever got posted, IMO.
I look forward to the answers... (really
