Arrangers will Always be around as long as Yamaha makes a CVP Clavinova. Arrangers took the place of the Home Organ. Home players who are not schooled and want to play out of EZ play books love them. Apparently there is an OMB market who love them as well.
Perhaps Roland is abandoning the Arranger market, But Yamaha still has a very profitable arranger division and the technology trickled all the way down tto the $300 413.....No Arrangers aren't going away. In fact quite the opposite. I run into people everyday who did not even KNOW THEY EXIST in the form of the 900 series.
I demoed one in December with 4 watching. ALL had no idea the technology was available. All were over 50 (which was the typical organ market. Every single person in that little crowd came back in January and bought one. I sold a Tyros to someone who has been lurking this board since November, He is sight impaired and they drove down from Virgina! I spent about four hours demoing the Tyros and he bought it and a P-85 to uses as a controller.
At the end of the deal he told me he came as a result of the forum! Imaging that. Someone actually likes my blunt opinion. If you are reading, Thanks Mike....Enjoy.
Yamaha Tyros 4
Yamaha Motif XS8
Roland RD700
Casio PX-330
Martin DC Aura
Breedlove ATlas Solo