Hi Mike

Arrangers came from Home Organs, (The 1 finger chord systems added to organs probably also led to the collapse in the 80s. (Why buy an organ when you can do the same easy play with a single keyboard)

Organs however have made a comeback, (Just not on the scale they used too be) Hammonds and there clones are all over the place, Lowery, Bohm, Wersi Orla, Allan and Roland have introduced new models, Yamahas are being imported all over the world, and Kawai has recently re-started organ production.

It seems mainly the US users that have a problem with weight, as Roland Ateliers, (Heavier then Wersi) Wersi, Bohm, Hammond and for concerts even Lowery (Now that’s weight) are played by artists all over, and never a moan about weight. (Even the female artists (Who by there physical nature should theoretically be complaining) never seem to have problems)

BTW the Wersi Xenios portable organ only weighs about 5 pounds more then a G70, and Wersi prices tend to slip into the middle/upper of organ price scales.

Will arrangers die, as we know them today, probably, will they evolve, a good certainty.

Interesting topic


English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).