As robust (comparatively) as arranger sales are in Europe and elsewhere, it failed to stop these manufacturers from going out of business. I really AM trying to take the big picture into account...

From what I have read, it is beginning to be harder over there to find some of the TOTL arrangers, especially Roland and Ketron (and to a degree, Korg) in regular stores that USED to stock them ten, fifteen years ago. The trend may be slower, but seems to still be happening. Europe is still the heartland of home organ music too, but that hasn't equated to a robust industry, at least by sixties and seventies standards.

Those that chose the home organ route haven't been in sufficient numbers to stop it still being boutique manufacturers at boutique prices. Hopefully, I am dead wrong. But until I see that true arranger/WS hybrid (labeling the case 'WS' doesn't make any of our modern arrangers one in fact ) I still worry...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!