Originally posted by Diki:
Oh, and few update their PA's as often as their arrangers, Ian Most of us, no matter WHAT we buy, or how much or little we pay, tend to stick with it for a LONG time...

Not most of us, Diki...I seem to see many on this forum change arrangers every few years (3-5), if not more often...you (and Fran, maybe) might be the exception, my friend.

I like to stay current with the new technology, and it advances every so many years...the excellent SA voices of the S900 lured me in pretty easily, and it will smoke many a TOTL arranger of only a few years ago.

Add up the difference from the PSR-3000 I sold and the cost of an S900 and it's not much money, especially if you think of it over a year or so...a small price to pay for having the latest and best sounding technology.

The same goes for any company, I guess, but, since Yamaha has the the sound I like to hear coming out of my speakers(in stereo, no less) that's going to be my choice.

The last PA I bought was over 15 years ago (my two Yamaha MS-60S, which still work perfectly)...I'm pretty sure the Bose, with the quality that it has, will last me at least that long...certainly till I retire.


[This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 05-09-2009).]
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.