Originally posted by hammer:
I am curious. What type of music do you most often play at your gigs? I can't imagine getting much better sound for an audience than what I have been getting from my Classic L1 and Tyros 3 combo. If we are debating for the sake of a debate mono vs stereo that is one thing - but for practical use I just don't see the advantage of stereo for audience appeal or satisfaction.


I play a large variety of music, from old country and western, to Latin, to Jazz, R&B, Pop music, Movie themes, even some classical and jazz solo piano....it depends on who's hiring, I guess.

I don't do vocals, but I have several singers I can call, and then I usually sing backup harmony, and maybe a few tunes myself.

Primarily my music is instrumental.

A single Bose covers very well, but the fact that it's in mono does not do my instrument's stereo effects and sounds any justice.

I hear the difference immediately when using two Bose systems...the sound is almost three dimensional, and with the marvellous coverage, it makes my S900 sound awesome. The T3 is even more awesome-er.

As they say, the devil is in the details, and I'm not going to spend long hours setting up effects and registrations, only to have them sound one dimensional in mono.

The Bose in stereo is glorious, and room filling, and perfect for concerts and any gigs you want to have lots of coverage and the sound equally distributed.

I don't need honkin' bonkin' drums, so the Yamaha percussion is perfect for the music I play...the sound of the fills panning from side to side is impressive with the Bose in stereo, and the drums actually sound more "live"....I know I'm very pleased with them.

To really get the perfect stereo with the Bose, it's important to use identical systems, although using the two you have, might do okay, you get the best results with the same on each side.

It's the best money I've ever spent...no regrets.

You know, when it comes right down to it, we are actually "playing the speakers", they are the last link in the chain, and to use a TOTL, or MOTL arranger through a budget system is a cryin' shame, in my opinion.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.