Well, today I got up early and decided to put all three of my Bose L1s to the test so I set them up and played them with almost every imaginable configuration and this is what I think based on my own research and playing with the Tyros 3.

First of all - using just a single Compact and my Standard Classic L1 - there is no way in hell a single compact compares favorably to a standard L1. The Classic's sound quality is much fuller and seems to bring out more of the details of the styles. I played both the units with just one chan being input and than using both chans and I think I got a pretty good idea of what each will do. By the way - I played for over 3 hours for the tests using all kinds of styles and midi files.

Then I went on and paired up the units - using the Classic and a Compact together and then just two Compacts. Well, again, the Classic and Compact combo sounded pretty darn good.

When I ran my two Compacts together I noticed a hugh difference right away and that got me to thinking so I compared using two Comnpacts to just my single Classic and now there was not near as much difference. Close enough to call it a draw to everyone but the most criticle listener.

My conclusion it that if you want the very best of sound - use a standard L1 system. If on the other hand you are concerned about the weight issue and transportation(like I am) than go for TWO of the Compacts. Yes, there was a difference in sound but not that much to make a difference to most of the audiences I play for.

I can't imagine how good Ian's Two standard L1s sound together. Ian, we are not comparing apples to apples here.

Well, that is it for now. I posted pictures on the PSRTutorial website of my test setup if anyone is interested - under the accessory hardware section. Please notice my office space is really small about 11 by 11 - don't know how that effects the tests.
