Originally posted by cassp:
With the morning comes... more confusion. I should have sat down at that T2, Bill. It sounded so good, especially thru your L1 system; and you played it so well... and I even brought my 3K along to play or compare, but we never got to that. I've gotten so much good advice, there's no way I can follow it all, but I do believe I have to get my hands on a PA800 before I decide on one of those.

It would seem silly at this point to abandon my newly acquired 3K without even giving it a chance to disappoint me. It really is a good keyboard, not near as bad as I sometimes feel. But the G70 is becoming another story. I can't continue to wrack my brain over two opposing OSs and style systems. The Roland definitely has a more 'live' sound, but the Yamaha is no slouch. I've got to run thru some songs and see how feel for me.

My wife understands little of this folly and only asks, do you have the money to do this? She also admonishes, you've only played a few jobs and you're already buying new keyboards?... She thinks I'm somwhat crazy.

I'm going to sit down with both boards for the next week or two and try to decide if either or both are worth replacing. With the G70 and case weighing 50lbs+, I can't see me using it out live too often. I really don't need a home keyboard, I still have my Hammond XK1 and a Kurzweil MK5 sitting around collecting dust already. I might just float the G70 out there and test the waters; I certainly won't give it away just to get rid of it.

[This message has been edited by cassp (edited 07-23-2009).]


Look at my online schedule and see if any of my days off match up well for you to hook up, ok? Maybe the 29th? We'll find a place to meet and spend some time with both boards, ok? For the level that you're working at, the 3k should do a very nice job.

My gut says sell the G7 and the 3k and pick up a t2 or t3...Also, take your wife out to dinner...If she's not happy, no one is, eh?

Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton