Well, there goes that!

You know, while having a limited selection of songs might help SOME members focus, you know, there's really NO reason why anyone can't post ANYTHING here. I'm quite sure that, if you don't like any of the eJam selections chas, nobody would bat an eyelid or make a derogatory comment if you simply submitted whatever the hell you felt like

The best thing that has come out of the eJam has been a HUGE increase in members being willing to post music they have made, not necessarily the quality thereof... Participation is better than sitting on the sidelines, sniping. Even you, originally the 'I'm NEVER going to post music here' guy, came up with a contribution...

And that IS a good thing. I mean, what's the POINT of musicians getting together if they don't actually LISTEN to each other's music?

Just to bullsh*t each other about gear?
What a waste...
So... those are eJam SUGGESTIONS. But if none of them float your boat in any way whatsoever, post something that does. I know I will want to hear it, and if I'm not mistaken, just about everyone else here will too

Originally, I had hoped this thing would be a 'one tune' system, and the variety come from how differently we all do the one tune. But, the variety has seemed to have come in the form of song CHOICE, so what does one more tune matter?