Tony, with all respect to the great Art Van Damm, I just flat out don't like the TONE of an accordion. To me, it sounds like fingernails on a blackboard. I similarly dislike the sound of 'theatre organ', despite the fact that the 'classic' Hammond 'sound' as portrayed in Jazz, Rock, R&B, and Gospel, is my second favorite of all instruments (piano is first). I know that it's partly cultural and that a (large) part of it has to do with what you're used to or grew up with (men who grew up eating broccoli probably like it as adults - *broccoli is the 'accordion' of vegetables for me

). Hey, different strokes for different folks, right? Even with a master like Art Van Damm at the controls, I still don't think it's a suitable instrument for jazz. Obviously, this is JMO. For what it's worth, I feel the same way about jazz violin, whether it's Stephane Grappelli or Regina Carter.