Maybe it's proximity to the Northern Lights... maybe it's those cheap Canadian drugs and healthcare, who knows? But it DOES appear as if the further North you go, the harder it is to remember things!
I have only ever said that CURRENTLY, Yamaha's organization seems to exclude making good 76's. Please make an effort to not bring this point up over and over, Ian. It only makes you seem desperate (and petty). Prior to the PSR9000pro, the EXACT same argument could have been made (and probably was!) by probably the same people. Yamaha will NEVER make a 76 TOTL or MOTL arranger...
But they did! They changed. So what if they failed..? It had NOTHING to do with the number of keys. If they can change in the past, they can change in the future. QED.
BTW, yes, only an idiot would suggest that Yamaha cease 61 production and concentrate on 76's Don't lump me in with those that aren't thinking this through. I'd also like to know who is running Ketron, Korg, Lionstracs, Bohm and all the OTHER arranger companies that are making charitable contributions to make up for all the losses that a 76 is apparently incurring..? Because, let us be clear, if you say that you can't make money with a 76, that basically not only makes those companies into charities, but also Yamaha's own DGX, YPG and Clavinova lines loss leaders, too. And, as desperately as you argue that the PSR 76 NOT be made, surely you are also arguing for the DGX and YOG and NP80v lines cease production... No, you say? Those lines are making money? But how could that be?! It flies completely in the face of your argument.
Oh, one more point... if Roland's cessation of 76 arranger production is PROOF that there's no demand, doesn't that also prove that their cessation of MOTL and TOTL 61 production also prove that there's no demand for those types of 61's, too? The gaps in your logic could pass a battleship (or at least let a 76 through with room to spare!).
But let's keep going. I need the laugh this thread gives me every day...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!