Originally posted by leeboy:
Multimillion pound experiment !!

Companies will stop making certain types of switches, or eliminate a control, just to save a few dollars/unit.

A new instrument...another assembly line...more workers/robots...that's an expense you can't easily measure.

Making a new instrument that doesn't sell is a major cost to a company.

You can assume this type product will sell, but you are still guessing.

Why doesn't Korg/Ketron make a MOTL 76'er if this market is so lucrative? Surely you aren't the only one to discover this, if it is so obvious?

Companies need proof, not guesses.


[This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 10-22-2010).]
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.