For a truely "Blind" opinion (since I can't see which boards are which), and if they truely are in the order which Donnie put them Audya, Tyros, Pa2x, I'd say the Tyros sound more definitive over all including the G70. I agree with Ian that the PA2x (if that was the last one) definitely sounded single dimensional with no character at all. The first brought out some tonality but it still wasn't a true out of the box experience I would be comfortable using live, IMO. The G-70 was good, but it still didn't have as much character as the Tyros. There was also one instrument which just didn't sound right in the mix (maybe two). Was the Tyros a 3 or 4?

Just my $.02.

Edited by vin5451 (06/01/11 11:04 AM)
Edit Reason: wrong order
Vince Mistretta