Originally Posted By: vin5451
Well, Donnie dupped us with it first since no one really researched the video until Neils did and found it was a T3 not a T4 and I found it was over 2 years old.

So, I retract my opinion for now until someone can do a video with all the current line of TOTL and include the BK-7m for comparison. Thing is, like Ian said, there's still too much chance of it being fixed. We don't even know if the original video had enhancements done on each KB to change the sound.
All I say is "Good one DNJ"!!

Yep, Donny got us all with that one, Vince, and I'm sincerely hoping that no one did anything to enhance the instruments, especially the Korg, which was very disappointing, even to Korg enthusiasts.

All these instruments can sound awesome, especially played "live" in style play, which is the way they really should be played, in my opinion.

With any of these top line arrangers, the right settings, and the proper use of effects and EQ would make it sound incredible.

Thankfully, I don't use SMF, so none of this really matters to me that much, but it would be interesting to see an objective comparison of the latest top of the line, the Tyros4, the PA3Xpro, the Audya (with the latest OS) done on video using the same SMF and the same method of recording each arranger.

But, I think we may have to wait awhile for that to happen...if ever.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.