I remember exactly when I learned "Don't Worry Bout Me". It was in 1878. I had just moved to Louisiana. I had a request for the song. I had heard it but didn't know the words.
The guy handed me a $20. bill and said "fake it".
I made a phone call to a friend in Arkansas, and he gave me the words over the phone. This was before cell phones and internet and texting!
I went back to the bandstand and sang it and the guy made me do it three more times. By the end of the night I knew it pretty well!
Tonight, 34 years later, I had a request for "Some Enchanted Evening". I googled the lyrics + chords in a matter of seconds (thanks Guitar Guy), played and sang it. Another $20, but ain't technology wonderful!
The last songs I learned were three songs that Jimmy Swaggart recorded. My boss, Ernest, is a big Swaggart fan. I learned them for him.
"Heaven's Sounding Sweeter Every Day", "One More River", "I've Never Been This Homesick Before".