Originally Posted By: travlin'easy

I had so many friends that were about my age that sat in front of a TV set since the day they retired. Many are now deceased, and those that are still alive all say "I wish I would have done this or that." I'm still doing the things I want to do, some friends think I'm crazy, my wife thinks I'm insane, but I can guarantee you that the only way you'll see me in a nursing home or an assisted living center is if I have a stroke or suffer from some other sort of debilitating disease. I intend to keep doing the things that others wish they did until I have no bodily parts that still work.
Gary cool

Gary, we probably don't agree on much but in this case you're 100% on the mark. Nobody's going to find my dead body propped up on the couch with reruns of Ophra playing in the background. I say, whatever you can do safely, do it. I still fly but usually with a competent buddy in the right seat. I still own five motorcycles but don't go on long rides unless it's in a group or with my son (he both rides and flys....he has a CFII). The point is, both body and mind will definitely atrophy if not used; what's the old saying..."use it or lose it". So as long as I have the strength to get top off the Viagra bottle.....well. Anyhow, may your semi-retirement be long and eventfull.


"I ain't dead yet, M-F"........Richard Pryor
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]