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Registered: 12/01/08
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Loc: South Africa
Originally Posted By: Tom Audya
Hi. Does anyone install SD, X1, MS styles converted for Audya from Ketron.it? I read how to install but still confuse, do we have to connect Audya to computer, or just use USP flash memory to transfer files? Thanks.
Originally Posted By: Snoopy
First You have to "unzip" the files to your PCs harddisk.
This files you can eihter copy via USB-Stick to the Audya or via USB-to-PC-connection.
If you use the USB-to-PC connection :
BE SURE THAT YOU USE THE "DISCONNECT HARDWARE" function of the Win-PC prior unplugging the cable !!!
, otherwise files on your Audya-HD may be corrupted !!!
Even though under Vista / Win7 this ist not necessary for "normal USB-Sticks or USB-HDs" : FOR AUDYA IT IS !!!
BTW: You sould, when using an USB-stick, copy the files form the stick to the Audya´s HD in one of the 10 "User_Styles" subfolders.
Make sure you'll fly forever!