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Registered: 12/01/08
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Loc: South Africa
Originally Posted By: Ketron_AJ
A lot of what you mention below are 'user error' and not bugs. Here are some answers for you ...
-in piano mode if you playing harder you can activated drums in aranger section >>>AJ: This is because in STYLE MODE your AFTER FILL (F7) is on. AFTER FILL means you activate the fill in by pressing harder on the keys, regardless of Piano mode on or off. Turn this feature off and save in Custum set up if you do not want to repeat this each time your machine is turned on.
- Voicetron wont work ewerytime when you nead >>>AJ: Depends on setting (if using REGISTRATIONS - it needs to be on before you save the REGISTER). As of OS 3.0, new edit access to voicetron was implimented - Press and hold down VOCALIZER for 2 seconds to access vocalizer settings. Select (using F1-F10) vocal settin you want. Press EDIT to assign vocalizer response to left or right hand or full piano - then SAVE vocal setting.
-voice in Low.2 is set to 20 in moust cases but is louder then Bass who is set to 40 >>>AJ:- Depends on the voice you are using. Not all voices have the same attack level and this could be true. Bass is usually warmer than say Piano!
-Kayboard cant memorise Solo voice muting in midi file >>>AJ: This is not a bugg. Mutting Solo voices is considered a LIVE action, one that is carried out as you play the midifile. If you want to do away with the voice completely, bring down it's cooresponding volume to "0" and save as a new Midifile or overwrite the old one if you want this change to be permanent.
-Kayboard cant comunicate with Computer.You cant see or transfer files from PC >>>AJ: Go to MENU - MIDI - UTILITY and make sure USB MIDI (F6) is OFF. The USB port on the back of the keyboard can be used EITHER for data transfer (off) or midi communication (on) [in place of the MIDI in/out jacks], but NOT for both at the same time!
-To much Effect(Reverb) on some Live drums >>>AJ: You can remove/reduce the effects on DRUMS by going into STYLE VIEW - LIVE DRUMS (F1) and pressing EFFECTS (U2) and adjust or eliminate all together as the original audio drums are recorded without effects.
-if you call Midi file from mine scren on right site you can see list of your midis.After end of first Midi playing that list is desapire and you can see only blank right site of scren >>>AJ: Make sure LYRICS (F10) has not been pressed. If you press this, the right side goes black in preparation to disply the lyrics (if available) of the midifile.
-cant coppy style parts >>>AJ: Download lates OS 4.1b or that found in the USB stick with the new Sounds as this future is available in these!
>>>AJ: Program Voices shown with 2-3 voices (e.g Piano & Strings). Maybe we should have found a better way to label this voice as it gives the impression that both voices are heard through out the entire range, but this is not true. This is set for PIANIST MODE which allows you to play a lead Piano voice on the right and both on the left. If you go into PROGRAM and check out the other voices there, many (especially those with bass) have this feature, together with the Morphing, Steel bend ... etc where voices are heard at different ranges of the keyboard or when the keyboard is played with a certain velocity or ... etc!
RE-INSTALLING SOFTWARE: You must go into your AUDYA's Hard Drive and delete the Audya401.mem (or any *.mem) file found in the root directory. Then copy the *.mem file from your USB key into the AUDYA's hard drive (root directory) to replace that which you just removed. Power off your AUDYA and press and hold down F10 and UNPLUGGED as you turn it on, and do not release these buttons until you see the AUDYA white screen with update status! During update, make sure you do not power off the keyboard. AUDYA will reset automatically once update is completed!
Hope this helps you and others who might have been experierencing similar issues!
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