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Registered: 12/01/08
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Loc: South Africa
Originally Posted By: cila09
Is it possible to change the registrations by pc? If yes how?
Thanks, C
Originally Posted By: audyaplayer
With usb cable,Audya to pc,than you can see the files on your pc and change the regs.
Originally Posted By: cila09
I have a musicbook database on my PC. I use this app during live gig. When I select one song score from the musicbook database I would like to see the linked registartion change in my audya automatically. Is it possoible?
Originally Posted By: Snoopy
If your musicbook software is able to send midi-commands it is possible.
You´ver just to select a midi-channel ) e.g. 16 ) and in the midi-setup of the audya under "channel-rx" and then "f6" to select the same channel.
The easiest way how to find out what numbers for registrations you´ve to enter in your software :
Start a sequencer-software in recording mode on your pc, on audya under channel-tx select a midi-channel, e.g. 16, and then change a registration. Then stop the record and have a look, what "numbers" ( midi-commands ) have been sent. Ente these values in your music-software and it will work !
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