Originally Posted By: Diki
The only thing holding you back may be unfamiliarity with these tools, or unwillingness to try them. Sure, if you have an on call rhythm section at your beck and call, willing to play for peanuts (or free!) 24/7, you are good to go. But when this dream doesn't pan out, don't dismiss the machines so lightly. If you WANT to have a lot of on the fly control, the gear CAN do it. You just have to use the tools...

Diki, I respect your opinion (as being valid for YOU), but I also think that mine is equally valid for me. I'm not insisting that everyone agree with MY point of view but since it is all subjective and a matter of personal philosophy, I'll just stick to the opinion that works for me.

I have nothing against arrangers (since I own four), and I believe they have many legitimate uses in the world of music. But for me, playing 'live' (in their INTENDED USE mode) is not one of them. We all acknowledge that they are just the latest iteration of the 'home organ' and other early auto-accompaniment 'instruments' designed SOLEY for home entertainment, and that (in THIS country, at least) that STILL accounts for the majority of their sales. I know, and have known, literally hundreds of professional musicians, and I can truly say that, except for the ones on THIS board, I don't know a single one that owns or has EVER owned, an arranger keyboard. I can also state, in all honesty, that I have never seen one used in a club, church, or concert setting. This is not to say that they aren't or can't be used in these settings, but it must mean SOMETHING that it is so rare. But here is the most important part; you, or no one else, will ever convince me that arranger music is equal to the joy, for both player and audience, of playing 'live' music with live musicians, on traditional instruments. As far as I'm concerned, you can program or pre-program anything you want (on synth, WS, OR even Arranger) EXCEPT the NOTES PLAYED. For me, that is the crux of a musical performance; everything else is just 'sound enhancement'. This is not an 'elitist' or 'purist' (or any of the other bullshit labels people try try to lay on you when they are trying to delegitimize your opinions) attitude. It may be an ARCHAIC attitude from an old school, 'ol dude who still likes solo jazz piano, live theatre, and fresh deli sandwiches, and just hasn't caught up or kept up with the 'future of music'. What can I say, to each his own.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]