Oh boy, here we go with the 'angry' thing again. Give it a rest, pleeeeeese. Everybody that doesn't cotton up to your condescending, patronizing, bull.. uh, manner, isn't necessarily angry, maybe they just don't need or want a self-appointed 'uncle'. BTW, the last time I heard the "why so angry" line was from your buddy Donny. You guys use the same writer? If so, maybe it's time to try some new material. In fact, instead of you trying to be my therapist, why don't we talk about say, the PA3x. I was thinking about upgrading my PA1x but just can't see the point of it. It still sounds pretty good to me and probably provides as many arrangement ideas as any other arranger. For the type of music that I like, the Korg styles are the only ones that do anything for me. My band mates like it but only for about 10 or 15 minutes, then it's like, back to business. Could be because I'm not a very good arranger player. My next keyboard may be the new Nord Electro 4d. Anyhow, with advancing arthritis in my right wrist and diminishing stamina, I may soon hang it up anyway, at least the playing out part. Gotta' give it up sometime. Have a nice day.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]