There are considerable resources available on the web to help those having problems overcome the roadblocks to understanding. In fact, I helped Deane out with a couple myself, and also posted the solution to one of the reasons he has given to selling it (being unable to figure out how to set a global split point).

I am sorry, spalding, but if I gt a Wersi, then after a mere three weeks, announced I was going to sell it because I couldn't figure it out, despite your help telling me how to do something I couldn't grok from the manual, you would probably have a different opinion about how difficult or bug ridden the OS was than me!

Personally, I find Korg's extremely opaque, I have quite an issue figuring out how to save what I want, where I want. I find some issues with how one can easily edit styles and SMF's. But every Korg user tells me, no matter how much time I may have spent on one (my friend's PA3X leaves me stumped quite often), they are quite simple to operate. How can that be? Pretty easy, actually!

Modern arrangers are incredibly complex beasts, and there are many ways to skin a cat when it comes to a lot of operational stuff. Just because someone can't find it easily (including web resources, or questions to the Tech Support guys at the Manufacturer site) doesn't mean it can't be done. Not only do you have to learn how to do something, you have to UNLEARN how to do it when you come from somewhere else. This takes time and patience, something I fear Deane hasn't allowed sufficient of to achieve fluency on the new arranger.

Bottom line is, nothing that he has stated as a cause for not keeping his gives me any problem at all. I somehow have figured out how to set global splits (and many other kinds of holds), I understand that Favorites can only call up ROM Tones, I know what to do to save a Performance into a List so that my edited Tones are where I need them. I think this quote is the most telling:

In general, I just don't wish to spend anymore time trying to get it setup the way I play. I know with the Korgs I have owned it was not this complicated or hard to understand. In about 3 days I took the PA900 out of the box to a gig with it setup up for all my playing needs.

I am quite sure that, if he had not used a Korg prior to the PA900, he would have had as many problems than he has with the Roland. And I also think that basically expecting to go to a completely different manufacturer's arranger, and then expecting to be able to set it up so that it operates the same way you did something on a different manufacturer's arranger is unrealistic. Just as anyone would tell me the same, were I to get a Korg, then complain that I can't run it the same way I ran my Roland!

Korg have their 'way', Yamaha have theirs, and Roland have yet another... Never shall they meet.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!