I learned to play piano when I was young, and over the years I purchased Hammond and Lowrey organs, eventually building my own Wersi which was fabulous. When I came to the US 19 years ago I realized the power and potential of arranger keyboards and purchased a Roland G800.
When I took early retirement from Xerox in 2003, God called me to support a small church near our new Florida home, and I served there as music director for 6 years. Out of that church, and at the encouragement of some of the congregation, I started a small gospel music ministry that I took to local nursing homes. As this ministry grew, so did my desire to serve, and I obtained my Masters Degree in Biblical Studies (incidentally my graduation in Shreveport, LA was the opportunity I had to meet and listen to the wonderful Don Mason) and credential qualifications to become a minister in the Assemblies of God.
I now use the arranger keyboard to accompany the singing during church services that I run in nursing homes.
What is amazing is that it was through the arranger keyboard that my walk with the Lord really took off, and conversely it is use of the arranger keyboard that supports the spread of this last chance hope for so many wonderful souls who I have the privilege to serve!
Graham, Korg Pa1000, Korg G1 Air, Countryman E6, Roland BA330, 2 x Roland CM-30, , Mackie SRM150