Most car buyers like arranger players have little imagination, and while it is good to get their opinions so as not to make a big boo boo, (The T5 is a classic case of this) there will be no innovation, just an amalgamation of what is already out there.

Manufactures R & D must come out with new features to move the game forward, and providing they are developed to fruition with musicians, then instruments will move forward. (Hence there will never be a perfect or optimum instrument)

All the requests made for an arranger are already out there, (There is nothing new or forward thinking been added in this discussion) they have just not yet been combined.

In the old days if an instrument didn’t have something, a lot of users designed and built their own, (Most of which manufactures added to their instruments when they saw the potential) obviously, modern technology reduces the chance of current users to design via hardware, due to the specialist equipment needed to build it, however, as most instruments are based around a computer, (And as computers are cheap, and an instrument communication standard is available) then you can build (Code) it into software for whatever feature you want. (If it looks good manufactures will add it to their instruments just like they did in the old days)

The big problem these days, is that everybody moans if a manufacture doesn’t provide something, but very few are prepared to get off their backsides (Butt) and do something about it, hence you will never get what you want.

In life, to get what you want, you must do it yourself, as no one will do it for you, so stop moaning and get doing.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).