New file formats...
For both song and styles...
The new 16 track song player/recorder will support both midi as well as audio tracks
You can even bounce a midi track to audio (and keep the midi track in the format if you want to step back)
However the midi track will not play anymore, it will be semi/hidden
You can also overdub audio tracks..
Also there will be a new sequencer format for the pattern sequencer inherited from the Motif
Atough, also this new pattern sequencer will support audio loops
You can directly record the pattern sequencer into the normal song recorder..
But also copy to style tracks
There is also a new style format supporting both midi as well as audio..
but the arranger also plays the old styles..
The new style player is much more dynamic
Reacting to the player..
Also there will be a Chord track, and a chord loop...
The chord track plays overall and couples arranger parts to the sequencer
So your arranger follows the sequencer
A chord loop is coupled to a variation...
Dont ask me where i got this info...
But it could be true witouth a doubt...
Also the touchscreen adds a huge amount of direct controll options for styles...
Much like we have seen Ketron do
And last but not least, something i guessed right before..
The 4 kryboard parts will comsist out of 4 awm2 parts (and each part is 8 elements)
Combined with up to 3 split points
So the ensemble voices will just be 1 part
As well as the 4 awm part piano from the montage
Different from the montage, each sound will have 1 effect (montage =2)
But the 4 keyboard parts will have 4 additional effects which can be assigned to a single up to 4 parts
Drum parts will have 8 effects.. but only 2 midi drum tracks can be played live .. at the same time
Drums support round robbin..
I am not going to reveal my source, but i got a mail from him
Two times i got info from him before
Once he was right
And the other time only part of it was right..
Also the rumored ipad integration got confirmed...
Edited by Bachus (09/13/17 03:47 AM)