Could this be the one?
It’s a mockup obviously, but there are quite some
similarities with the lay-out in the video.
what do you think? and will it be too difficult of a Learning Curve? confused1

From Psr Tuorial...
"Hi Guys,

For many years I have about 25 Yami friends. They are living in Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands and the UK.

Like me they are between 65 - 75 years old.
We are regulary in personal contact with each other by e-mail.
None of these guys, except me, is an active PSR Tutorial Forum member.
Most of them are reading our Forum discussions and messages regulary ( like many other people, I guess ) but prefer to discuss these issues privately.

After seeing and hearing the first Genos teaser and reading comments and reactions of Forum members most of them were very impressed by the piano sound of the Genos but worried at the same time. Many of these guys are afraid to upgrade.

For many years my friends are all very familiar with Yami arrangers.
Most of them are T4, T5 and S-serie players now.

However, a lot of questions are arising.

Questions I cannot answer due to my poor technical knowledge.

Perhaps some of our Forum experts might be capable to answer these questions ? That would help a lot, I guess.

There is no doubt in my mind it is too soon and too early to answer many of these questions since nobody is aware of the Genos features yet.
In a couple of weeks we all know a lot more, I may hope.

Plse read their questions as follows. ::)

01. What about the " old " software and third party software collection ?
Will this old software ( packs included ) play well on the Genos ?
02. What about the " new " Genos software ?
Will conversion be possible ?
Will new software be available soon, also by third parties ?
Will this new Genos software be usable for the S-serie too or can we expect a complete new S-serie soon ?
03. What about the exchange value of the Yami kbs ?
Why are the present new selling T5 prices so low ?
04. Will the Genos be another plug-and-play instrument or will it be more a synthesizer and much more technical ?

Your reactions would be very much appreciated. Thank you !


Edited by Dnj (09/14/17 07:59 AM)