Originally Posted By Sokratis 1974
New official video of Genos...

I am back home from vacation
I made this write up on PSR TUTORIAL based on the video’s
And some of the rumors__

It should give a good idea of what to expect in the new Genos sound sectiom

So,far i have learned that orchestral sounds will be pretty important for genos..

Wondering in what form we will see them..
An advanced form of the ensemble engine, with real multi imstrument division. So instead of hearing 4 ensemble instruments, you will hear multiple instruments like 20 violins, 4 cellos’s etc, yet still playing different notes..(up to 4, maybe even more) much like the komtakt orchestral libraries

Or maybe more like on the montage where you have orchestral sounds of up to 8 sounds and where you could use a knob to add more or less sounds (best use of super knob.

Or maybe even a combination of these two?

The first video got me convinced of the new piano’s.. i even think we might see a piano room feature in the Genos... thats very much fun..

What i have been missing so far in the video’s is EDM, but to me its pretty clear that there will be a huge improvement ( even more then in the psr s970) for modern dance music... in my vision this would not only require the tools of the psr s970 but also an improved synthesizer sound section ( still hoping for a synth world feature) as well as not one but multiple arp’s so each of the left amd right kwyboard parts should have an arp.. altough, knowing yamaha there will probably just only a single arp... fearing they might cross over to much into Montage theritority.. which is sadly not enough..

Real live reports from the 18mseptember late night show tell us there was mostly edm music.. so this would comfirm these assumptions to me..

I am pretty much convinced that what people are calling the 3rd articulations switch, is not an articulations switch but the arp on/off switch..

This should summ up the improved main sound features of the Genos, offcourse there will also be a lot of new sounds all over the board, due to the hugely improved rom size as well as an onboard ram for samples. And the effects section will have made a huge step forward in numbers and quallity.. this base on what we know about the new hardware processors as presented with the Montage.

I would also add a new drums section to it, with maybe even the new revo drums mentioned in a mostly fake specs update, but it could have some real news spoiled... revo drums in vst country stands for real electronic drums like fromRolamd tb 808 series. Which would fit well with the edm part.. but in. The Genos i was more expecting the round robin/some call it wave cycling feature.

Maybe we will see both...

If all this holds true, it might be enough to persway me to buy a Genos for christmass...

Edited by Bachus (09/22/17 01:14 AM)
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
