Not to take away from it's merit, we do not know much actually, but a lot of the early users/buyers of such an possibly expensive keyboard, will get it simply because they can and they want. Does not matter if it is better or smarter or nicer - they will get the latest and greatest just because they can afford it.

And it's all alright, but most definitely no one NEEDS a $6000 keyboard to make music.
I hope that Genos will be one more step away from the traditional arranger keyboard towards computer based application that will gradually replace the old technology. Eventually, this is what will happen.
And this idea that it will be too complicated for someone to adapt to it, yes, it is a possibility, but really shouldn't. Things should become easier, no? If it will be, or seem to be too complicated, Yamaha will simply fail the whole idea of a new generation of arrangers/workstations. But I don't think they will.
In the meanwhile, what exactly could this new keyboard bring that would be so game-changing? It's a rethorical question of course. Time will tell.