Sometimes to create value, the manufacturer inflates the MSRP. You can’t tell me that a pair of shoes sold at Louis Vuitton is worth $1000. You can go to Payless and get a $20 pair shoes that are just as uncomfortable as the Louis Vuitton shoes.

When my wife got her first Masters degree… We went to the Louis Vuitton store and bought a $700 purse. It wasn’t about a purse… It was about the status. It showed two other people that you have expendable income to buy the best named purse 👜 available.

Three years from now, the Genos will be selling below $2500 when they announce the replacement. I have a Tyros 2 I can’t sell because the screen is messed up. $600 to replace the screen... it was from 2004.

Value is perception!
"The Shueys"
Yamaha Genos - RCF M20x - RCF HD10A (Stereo) - Jupiter Pocket Trumpet - Sennheiser e935 - Neumann KMS-104 plus-N