Originally Posted By rphillipchuk
Originally Posted By Dnj
agreed bachus anyone can see watching all these demos on you tube that the audience is senior citizens, NOT Young new players who want nothing to do with or understand an arranger style of music at all.....why aren't those audiences filled with young musicians? the new age is making music in new ways period no need for an arranger its archaic to them in so many ways lets be honest....there is a major split in our culture in music and that's the way it is until we are all gone and the new generation is alone to create their music.....things changed too fast and the old ways still linger in the new for a little while longer and us oldie folks are trying to hold on like Yamaha is doing with their so called "new Workstation"....
just too many branches on the tree and too many cooks in the kitchen nowadays...the ship is sinking slowly keep bailing my friends stay afloat with what ever you play for now ....
Happy Thanxgiving to All

That was well said !

thank you sir just my feelings on the subject..